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Hi Brian & Mikell :
I am grateful to you for sending me your book that you have just published, I have just finished reading it cover to cover. I was, and still am, impressed with its content. You have a great deal of knowledge as to your research of history, however, I hope that your views of the World War III do not see the light of day, but I am sure you know more of this than I do.
 You speak of mystery surrounding Hitler's death, could you be a little more explicit? Also is the devil dead? You speak of horrible things that happened to the apostle's what happened to Judas?
 I do not have a computer. I cannot go to the web page to find how much the book is, please send me another copy, I will send you the price of the book, the reason for this is that I want to mail an unsolicited gift to Cris Matthews of the CNBC in Washington, D.C. He is on every Monday thru Friday at 8:00 p.m. "Unless you want to do this". This is the type of book I am sure that he would comment on and maybe this would help you reach your goal of 10,000 copies.
 The lady that was the granddaughter of Charles Dickens, her name was Nancy Dickens, left my park and went to Colorado.
 Again thank you very much. I really enjoyed the book, I hope that you and your wife, Mikell, have a wonderful life. 

Now I know why special interest groups cater to senators.

Bob Brower
Lake Breeze Orlando Florida